07 November 2016

Living Presidents

I've come down with a cold, so between naps, I've been using wikipedia to figure out how many living presidents and ex-presidents there have been at any one time.:

1800 1: John Adams.  Washington died in Dec 1799
1801 2: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams (both died in 1826)
1809 3: James Madison (1836), Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
1817 4: James Monroe (1831), Madison, Jefferson and Adams
1825 5: John Quincy Adams (1848), Monroe, Madison, Jefferson, Adams
1826 3: Adams Sr and Jefferson died in July: Adams Jr, Monroe, Madison
1829 4: Andrew Jackson (1845), Adams, Monroe, Madison
1831 3: Jackson, Adams, Madison
1836 2: Jackson, Adams
1837 3: Martin van Buren (1862), Jackson, Adams
1841 4: William H Harrison (1841), Van Buren, Jackson, Adams
1841 4: John Tyler (1862), Van Buren, Jackson, Adams
1845 5: James K Polk (1849), Tyler, Van Buren, Jackson, Adams
1845 4: Jackson died in June: Polk, Tyler, Van Buren, Adams
1848 3: Polk, Tyler, Van Buren
1849 3: Zachary Taylor(1850), Tyler, Van Buren
1850 3: Millard Fillmore (1874), Tyler, Van Buren
1853 4: Franklin Pierce (1869), Fillmore, Tyler, Van Buren
1857 5: James Buchanan (1868), Pierce, Fillmore, Tyler, Van Buren
1861 6: Abraham Lincoln (1865), Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore, Tyler, Van Buren
1862 4: Lincoln, Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore
1865 4: Andrew Johnson (1875), Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore
1868 3: Johnson, Pierce, Fillmore
1869 4: Ulysses S Grant (1885), Johnson, Pierce, Fillmore
1869 3: Grant, Johnson, Fillmore
1874 2: Grant, Johnson
1875 1: Grant
1877 2: Rutherford B. Hayes (1893), Grant
1881 3: James Garfield (1881), Hayes, Grant
1881 3: Chester A Arthur (1886), Hayes, Grant
1885 4: Grover Cleveland (1908), Arthur, Hayes, Grant
1885 3: Cleveland, Arthur, Hayes
1886 2: Cleveland, Hayes
1889 3: Benjamin Harrison (1901), Cleveland, Hayes
1893 2: Harrison, Cleveland
1897 3: William McKinley (1901), Harrison, Cleveland
1901 2: Theodore Roosevelt (1919), Cleveland
1908 1: Roosevelt
1909 2: William H Taft (1930), Roosevelt
1913 3: Woodrow Wilson (1924), Taft, Roosevelt
1919 2: Wilson, Taft
1921 3: Warren G Harding (1923), Wilson, Taft
1923 3: Calvin Coolidge (1833), Wilson, Taft
1924 2: Coolidge, Taft
1929 3: Herbert Hoover (1964), Coolidge, Taft
1930 2: Hoover, Coolidge
1933 1: Coolidge died in January.  FDR took office in March.  for those 2 months, Hoover was the only living president
1933 2: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1945), Hoover
1945 2: Harry S Truman (1972), Hoover
1954 3: Dwight Eisenhower (1969), Truman, Hoover
1961 4: John F Kennedy (1963), Ike, Truman, Hoover
1963 4: Lyndon Baines Johnson (1973), Ike, Truman, Hoover
1964 3: Johnson, Ike, Truman
1969 4: Richard Milhous Nixon(1994), Johnson, Ike, Truman
1969 3: Ike died in March.  Nixon, Johnson, Truman
1972 2: Nixon, Johnson
1973 1: Nixon
1974 2: Gerald Ford (2006), Nixon
1977 3: James E Carter(still alive), Ford, Nixon
1981 4: Ronald Reagan (2004), Carter, Ford, Nixon
1989 5: George HW Bush (still alive), Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
1993 6: William Clinton (still alive), Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
1994 5: Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford
2001 6: George W Bush (still alive), Clinton, HW, Reagan, Carter, Ford
2004 5: W, Clinton, HW, Carter, Ford
2006 4: W, Clinton, HW, Carter
2009 5: Barack Obama (still alive), W, Clinton, HW, Carter

There have been 3 times that we've had 6 living presidents and ex-presidents:
1861 to early 1862, 1993 to the death of Nixon in 1994, and 2001-2004.
We may have another starting next year.

There have been 5 times that there were no living ex-presidents: 1799-1801, 1875-77, 1908-9, 1933, 1973-4

addenda 1 Dec 2018.  GHW Bush died yesterday, so there are two new lines:
2017 6: Trump, Obama, W, Clinton, HW, Carter
2018 5: Trump, Obama, W, Clinton, Carter
I was hoping Trump would be run out of town on a rail before HW or Carter died and we'd have 7 for the first time, but no such luck.

addenda 19 Mar 2021
2021 6: Biden, Trump, Obama, W, Clinton, Carter
To their credit, all living ex presidents had sharply rebuked Trump, including the second worst, GW Bush, who looks positively Periclean in comparison. 

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